martes, 29 de junio de 2010

Soccer day!! Casual

Something really casual!!

Wearing : Nauty blue jeans; Falabella Soccer shirts and animal print scarf, Payless boots and EPK sun glasses.
Place: Biblioteca Publica Virgilio Barco. Bogotá, Colombia.
No make-up.
Hairdo: a short mohawk.

martes, 15 de junio de 2010

Soccer fever!!

Today play my favorite team: BRAZIL n' I'll be watching the game... The soccer fever is awesome, u can hang out with friends to see the games, or wear ur favorite team shirt !! If u like soccer, don't care what people say!! I was talking with some friends and they was in shock cuz I like soccer, I think it was a little bit stupid. Yes, I'm a girl who likes soccer... Soccer rocks!! jajajaja ...
Hey, u can practice the waka waka choreography, it's awesome!! and do it with the girlz, promise u'll have a lot of fun!! or u can have the shirt of ur favorite team and go out with it... U can use a shirt, jeans, cool shoes and a beautiful hair style!! I promise take some pictures when I wear or have some new funnies hairstyles....
Well, like the pic says: Peace, Love n' Soccer
See ya
With love, Zooohh

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

Hillo!! Vacations!

I'm sorry for not write in a long time but I was a little bit busy. Finally, I'm in vacations, so I'll write more... I don't know what to do yet but I know I don't wanna stay at home all the time. If you're in vacations too, don't forget do sports or study... I wanna do some sports like volleyball or something like that. It'll be so cool and you could meet more people, be outside, connect yourself with the Earth, play with your pets or sibilings, go to hiking, camping... well, a lot stuff to do... And there so much funny thing to do with your friends, parents and family. This time is to do stuff you never do and more important than that be HAPPY! Sometimes we're piss off or unhappy but don't forget smile is the best thing in the world... I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT TIME AND SMILE!! :D